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Stars a LA Carte With
Magic Stack-N-Wack Bonus Projects
By Bethany S. Reynolds
Book Description:
Bethany Reynolds, author of Magic Stack-n-Whack(tm)
Quilts, details a "user friendly" version of the classic LeMoyne Star block.
Step-by-step illustrations guide quilters in piecing eight-pointed star
blocks without the traditional set-in "Y" seams. The book includes directions
with complete yardage and cutting charts for two dozen quilt projects,
each in 6" and 12" block sizes, along with a special bonus chapter on creating
"Magic Stack-n-Whack(tm)" stars to showcase in any of the settings. |

By Kumiko Sudo
Book Description:
"Omiyage" is the Japanese word for gift. Sudo,
author of a number of books on Japanese quilting including Harmonies &
Hurricanes: Color & Line in Japanese Quilts and Circles of the East,
here turns her attention to small, handmade, fabric gifts requiring only
simple hand sewing, colorful fabric scraps, and imagination. Forty-three
original designs for gifts such as fabric Temari balls, boxes, pincushions,
pockets, pouches, and evening bags are featured. The author also includes
a teaching plan for instructors wishing to use the book as a textbook for
sewing classes. Notes on techniques and background information on the place
of personal gifts in the Japanese calendar throughout the year add to the
appeal of this unique volume. Highly recommended for large public libraries
and textile collections. |

Fantastic Fabric Folding: Innovative Quilting Projects
By Rebecca Wat
Book Description:
This fanciful application of clever origami techniques
to traditional quilt patterns can add spice to every needleworker's repertoire.
Twenty-two projects for quilts, vests, pillows, and other items include
templates and folding instructions for easy star, diamond, pinwheel, and
other designs. |

East Quilts West
By Kumiko Sudo
Book Description:
Inspired by her passion for gardens around the
world, Kumiko creates real and imaginary flowers using colors, fabrics,
and needlework techniques drawn from her childhood. Reminiscent of antique
kimonos, her vivid quilt blocks will encourage quilters to express personal
themes in their own quilts through their own combinations of color and
patterns. Includes 30 original block designs and six full quilt designs. |
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