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Books - Page 1
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Crochet Baby Things
By Leslie Stanfield
From The Publisher:
The baby's already here and you still haven't
begun your project? No problem! With these adorable crocheted treasures
for little ones aged 0-2, you can whip up a hospital homecoming blanket
or first birthday beret in no time! Compact and portable, these 25 projects
are perfect for the aunt, grandma, or mom-on-the go. Finish off a few rows
on the train or during your coffee break. Before you know it, you'll have
completed any number of these adorable garments. |

220 More Crochet Stitches:
Book Description:
Includes Basic Stitches, Lace Patterns, Motifs,
Filet, Clusters, Shells, Bobbles, Loops, Vol. 7 |

300 Crochet Stitches:
Book Description:
Included Basic stitches, Lace Patterns, Motifs,
Filet, Clusters, Shells, Bobbles, Loops and much more.Vol. 6 |

How to Crochet
By Pauline Turner
From The Publisher:
Master the traditional and versatile craft of
crochet through a series of ten workshops. From holding the hook and basic
stitches to intricate decorative motifs and filet and lace, the lessons
in this comprehensive guide build upon each other, ensuring steady, confident
progress. Stitch libraries teach you to expand your repertoire as you work
with color, texture, patterns, and designs. Put your skills to practical
use on 17 beautiful, contemporary projects: a classic string bag, padded
coat hangers, mittens, a baby quilt, slippers, and more. 8 1/4 X 10 1/2.
All in Color |

New Ideas for Crochet
By Darsha Capaldi
From the Publisher:
Crochet is cool—especially now its textural appeal
has been thoroughly updated for modern living and tastes. These stylish,
contemporary, and practical pieces in cotton, silk, and knits offer a fresh
approach to the craft. Of course, everything you need to know to get started
is here, from stitch techniques to selecting yarn to making use of buttons,
beads, and ribbons. Each project includes a list of the necessary skills,
as well as helpful hints for additional enhancements. Take out your needles
and begin producing traditional beauties like a bedspread and throw, cushion
and pillow covers, cotton table settings, a child's coverlet, a table runner,
and even a soft basket, trinket box, or three-dimensional pieces that push
the art to its limit. 8 1/4 X 10 7/8. All in Color |
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