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Books - Page 3
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Crochet With Style
By Melissa Leapman
Catalogs and magazines are featuring crocheted
fashions in their latest issues. This book's designs allow readers to create
these styles at home. It includes 24 beautiful designs with full instructions
for jackets, pullovers, vests, and cardigans - for beginners and experts
alike. Praise for the author's A Close Knit Family: "These patterns are
a delight for knitters of all skill levels." - Threads magazine |

With Heart Best Loved Afghans
Published By: Leisure Arts, Inc. |

Mosaic Magic: Afghans Made Easy
By: Lily Chin
Book Description:
Knitters have long enjoyed mosaic knitting, a
colorful technique that uses slipped stitches to give the appearance of
knitting with many colors on one row. Now Chin has adapted this mosaic
technique to crochet, using it to great advantage here in designs for sumptuous
afghans, throws, and even a few garments. The interlocking color patterns
of mosaic crochet result from the "dropping" of long double crochet stitches
from one row to another row below, giving the appearance of colored tiles.
The "magic" of Chin's approach is that her designs combine mosaic crochet
techniques with simple single crochet stitches and bulky yarns so that
with this book even the beginning crocheter can quickly complete a throw
with that popular designer look. Recommended for public libraries. |

Afghans For All Seasons
(Crochet Treasury Series) |
Copyright © 2004 The Crochet