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Books - Page 3
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Cross Stitch Myth & Magic: Wizards, Angels, Dragons, Mermaids, Cherubs,
Unicorns, Fairies
Book Description:
This unique collection of fables and legends
from around the world contains over 70 magical cross stitch designs by
nine talented artists.
Stitchers will be thrilled by the amazingly detailed
Chinese dragon, good fortune emblems and signs of the zodiac. They'll also
find cherubs, angels, and--from the world of myth--Merlin and an enchanting
Each project includes easy-to-follow instructions
and full-color cross stitch charts, perfect for both beginning and experienced
stitchers. |

500 Cross Stitch Blocks
By Anna Davidson
Book Description:
Bright, versatile, and simple to sew, these 500
embroidered designs fit together beautifully to form an array of fabulous
patterns. Choose from a wide variety of themes--places, florals, birds,
geometrics from around the world, and colors--and then have fun arranging
them in any way you like. Some have beads and sizzling colors. Others are
small and enchanting, perfect for giving novices enough confidence to move
on to more ambitious stitchery. The creative possibilities are limitless! |

Mother O' Mine
By Mary Engelbreit
Celebrated illustrator, veteran mother, and beloved
daughter Mary Engelbreit has created a beautiful and poignant tribute to
the one woman most deserving of our affection and gratitude - Mom! Motherhood
has been an endless source of inspiration for Mary's art since she joined
the ranks of the weary but willing. Mothers are their children's nurturers,
heros, booboo fixers, cheerleaders, confidantes, entertainers, and first
loves. No one is as adept at depicting these many facets of motherhood
as Mary Engelbreit. In this beautifully produced keepsake - with its cloth
cover, gilded edges, quality paper, and ribbon marker - you'll find excerpts
from classic literature such as Little Women, contemporary prose from authors
such as Alice Walker and Anna Quindlen, beloved songs and lullbies, and
for the first time ever, the true story of Ann Estelle, including family
photographs. Mary has liberally illustrated this treasury edition with
never-before-published art. Every fan of Mary Engelbreit will want this
classic for their own collection - and several extras for the mothers and
grandmothers in their lives. |

Words To Live By
By Mary Engelbreit
Book Description:
America's most celebrated illustrator couples
her many maternal illustrations with special passages from, about, and
devoted to moms in this touching and inspiring collection. |

Cross-Stitch: More Than 60 Enchanting Projects to Decorate Every Room
by Chris Rankin |
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