All American Crafts
243 Newton-Sparta Rd
Newton, NJ 07860
Phone Number: (973) 383-8080
1. All desings must be completely original and never published previously.
2. Directions for projects should be neatly typed, double-spaced,
on one side of the page only.
They must specify:
4. It is best to send clear, good-quality photographs of the item first. They should show front, back and any special views (close-ups of intricate areas, sleeves or detail work on a garment, etc.). A self-addressed stamped envelope should be included for the return of photos and instructions. Upon request, actual items should be sent accompanied by a check to cover the cost of return postage, made payable to All American Crafts. Include your street address in addition to your mailing address (if different) to expedite the return of your sample(s).
5. Seasonal material should be submitted six months in advance. Christmas projects may be submitted up to one year ahead for possible inclusion in Crochet Fantasy Christmas Special.
6. Submissions which have been sent simultaneously to other publications are not accepted.
7. Payment will be made on a per-project basis at the time of publication.
8. All submissions should be sent to Karen Manthey, Crochet Fantasy,
All American Crafts, Inc. 243 Newton-Sparta Road, Newton, NJ
07860. It would be helpful to include a daytime phone number and
your asking fee for each submission.
**Please Note: The above guidelines are that of the publisher and is not an endorsement by the publisher of this website. The Crochet Network does not endorse the publisher nor is it responsible for inaccurate information due to changes in the publishers policies/guidelines. |